Sunday, March 16, 2008

More Photos from Sunday (March 16th 2008)

On Sunday, Rachel's sweetie, Jordan, joined us along with Dani and Grace. The photos in this post include a nice one of Jordan; Eric - the Brumby Chaser - getting chased by his brumby; Rachel aboard Storm Cloud; and a closeup of the younguns - Dani and Grace.

Photos From Saturday and Sunday

Saturday, Wishes had her hooves trimmed and she was quite sore afterwards. She was still very tender over the rocks on Sunday, but had a good time running around in the sandy turn-out with Gus. The pictures in this post are of our friends, Bill and Amber riding Kestral and Traveller; Rachel riding Traveller (thanks, Bill!); a nice closeup our good friend, Eric; and Wishes running past Eric as he takes some pics of his own.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Turn Out on a Sunday Afternoon

Finally! I was able to upload the pictures from March 2nd. Rachel, Dani, Grace and I had a lot of fun chatting with our Shiloh friends - Amber, Bill, Chris, and Eric! Wishes had a great time running around with Shiloh horse, Moody; Eric's mustang, Gus; and Bill and Amber's horse, Traveler. A little later, Rachel's horse, Storm Cloud joined in. Dani took a great picture of Bill. Next time we will get a group photo (I hope).