Yesterday, Rachel and I took Grace out to Shiloh. In the past, Grace never wanted to get up on a horse. Everytime I would try to get her to sit on one, she'd get upset - and I didn't want to force her - but yesterday she said, "I want to ride the horse!" So I put the helmet on her and hoisted her up. She loved it! She didn't want to get off. She rode 3 different times and loved every minute of it. I hope it's the beginning of a life-long love of horses that her mom and big sister (and aunts) share!
Wishes is getting big, as you can see from her picture. She now towers over the pony, Charlie. She's still just a baby, though.
Congratulations to Eric and his mom for adopting the Morgan/Arab cross - Sawyer (the artist formerly known as Sammy).