Saturday, October 31, 2009


Colbert tried to sport a "pimp" hat, but I think Gus wore it better! Sally looking cute, and my buddy, Sharil going as a "black-eyed P". Ha ha ha!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My New Saddle

Here's a picture of my new saddle. It's really supposed to be for Wishes, but Colbert is trying it out. It comes with the CAIR system by Wintec, which allows you to change out the inner structure to fit just about any horse. Because Colbert is a Quarter Horse type, he requires a much wider bar than that of the standard English saddle. It is also made of a material that expands or deflates with air - kind of like a "Tempur-Pedic" mattress - to better fit the contours of each individual horse's back. They normally sell for over $1,000.00, but I got this one off of Ebay for $580.00, and supposedly, it had only been used 2 or 3 times previously. It was in near-perfect condition.

The other picture is Rachel saddling up Eric's (mom's) horse, Sawyer, with Eric's very awesome Aussie saddle.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Deonna and Colbert

Boy, for a blog that is supposed to be about Wishes, she never gets any ink! I just had to share this adorable pic of my good friend, Deonna Hickey, riding Colbert. This horse-sharing business is such a great idea because Colbert gets extra work-outs, and more trail experience!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Old Saddle

Okay, one more pic. Eric took this pic of me riding Colbert out on the trail a couple of weeks ago. This is my old saddle, that was way too big for me. Good pic, though.

Horse Swappin'

Eric and I have worked out a nice little arrangement where we let each other borrow the other's horse if we want to go trail riding with a friend. Eric and I go out to Shiloh on different days now, so this little arrangement is a good way to get our horses out exercising more often during the week. Last Saturday, Betsy borrowed Eric's horse, Sawyer, and we had a BLAST riding in the desert around Shiloh. The next day, he had his lovely friend, Megan, borrow Colbert for a group ride. Here is a pic of Megan on Colbert, and dare I say, she looks better on him than I do!

Pooooor Little Weeeshes!

I went out early today to try my new saddle on Colbert, only to find my poor little Wishes had a nasty puncture wound on her right, front leg. Her leg was swollen to almost 3 times its normal size, and she could barely limp around. Once Sabine got out to the ranch, she helped me clean it up and sterilize it. Then, Jill and Sally arrived and gave her a dose of anitbiotics. She'll be on anitbiotics for the next 3 days. After giving her the medication and some "bute" to ease the pain, she was walking around much easier, and even attempted to trot (she spooks easily around the Mesquite trees).
On a lighter note: I LOVE MY NEW SADDLE!!!!! I will have to borrow Rachel's camera and take some pics tomorrow (hopefully). Colbert seemed to like it too, as he was much more calm out on the trail. He may just be getting used to trail riding, though. The saddle was so comfortable for me that I had no fatigue in my knees or seat upon my return after an hour-long ride. Yeah!!!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

More pics from Eric!

What would I do without my buddy Eric taking all these great pics for me? I would not have a blog, that's for sure! Thanks again, Eric. You rule! Look at big as her boyfriend now! And here's a nice pic of Wishes and Colbert together. My two sweethearts! Is there anything better than having your own horses? I think not. Except maybe eating a candybar while you're riding your own horses - simultaneously!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


It's been forever since I've posted anything on my two sweethearts, but I'm happy to report that we are back at Shiloh. The new place didn't work out, and we returned to Shiloh after just one month. I wanted to post these adorable pics that were taken by Eric and/or his friends. Wishes is enjoying a nice roll after they had just washed her off! Funny girl.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

One more from Palm Sunday

I forgot to mention that Wishes and Calico are getting to know each other. Cali is still a little wary of making friends, but after awhile, they moved closer together and hung out peacefully.

Adjusting....April 5, 2009 (Palm Sunday)

Well, the first week was somewhat hectic. Colbert absolutely HATES being separated from Wishes, even though they can see each other, and they are about 10 feet away from each other. When I take Wishes out to the arena, he panics and paces around his stall until I come and get him. The first few days he would charge toward the gate of his stall, or lay his ears back and run around. This made me very nervous, since he has NEVER acted this way before. He was always the CALM one! Anyway, today was the first day he was a little better. He was still antsy, but I didn't feel afraid when I was in the stall with him. Also, he got a big gash on his nose the first night he was there. I don't think he's used to the metal feeder in his stall, and something probably spooked him. Wishes was nervous the first day or two, but she seemed to settle into the routine a little bit better than Colbert. Today, Rachel and I rode Colbert for the first time since he moved to his new home. He did well at the walk, but he still inverts and hollows out at the trot. I have A LOT of re-training to do. We have started lungeing, but even that is a challenge, since he has been moving incorrectly for 13 years. The pictures I have posted are: 1) Colbert in his stall, feeling miserable; 2)Another shot of Colbert; 3) Wishes sniffing at mommy; 4) Wishes making a face; 5) Rachel and a ladybug!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 30, 2009 - MOVING DAY (1 of 4)

Pic 1) Grace takes one more "ride" on the tractor at Shiloh; Pic 2) and says "goodbye" to Daisy; Pic 3) Sherry and I take our horses out of the Boarder Pasture and head for the trailer.

March 30, 2009 - MOVING DAY (2 of 4)

Pic 1) Wishes looks pensive.....; Pic 2) ...but steps right in! Pic 3) Colbert has no problems - he's used to this stuff.

March 30, 2009 - MOVING DAY (3 of 4)

Pic 1) Cali looks out to see the new horses arriving; Pic 2) Beau and Sherry are the first ones out; Pic 3) Here's Colbert!; Pic 4) Wishes steps out.

MARCH 30, 2009 - MOVING DAY (4 OF 4)

The Three Amigoes check out their new arena, and stretch their legs after the hour-long drive.
Then, Colbert meets Jesse.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Group Shots from March 13, 2009

Here they are: Wishes, Gus, Colbert, Sawyer and Cochise!

More Pics from March 12, 2009

Colbert was really spunky today. He looked like a young colt (he's pushing 13 - still young for a horse).

Spring Has Sprung

Well, I finally got to borrow Rachel's camera again, and took 79 pics of the horses today! I'll try to add the best shots to the next couple of posts. The big news is that I'm finally bringing Wishes and Colbert into town. That will save a 2-hour roundtrip drive everytime I see them. Now they'll be 10 minutes from my house, so I will see them everyday. It's going to be hard to say goodbye to all our friends at Shiloh. Eric and I hung out today and just let the horses run around and have fun for a couple of hours. I've also added a nice shot of Grace sitting with Eric in the back of his truck. The group shots include Eric's two horses - Gus and Sawyer - as well as Cheril's horse, Cochise (the big paint - who tried to mount my little Wishes today! Watch it, Buddy!)

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Betsy and I took Grace and Dani to Palmdale, Calfornia yesterday to pick up her new horse, Spirit. 3 years ago, Betsy helped Spirit's former owner with Spirit and 3 other horses. Teddy recently asked Betsy if she was still interested in having Spirit, and Betsy enthusiastically accepted. It was a fun road trip, and thank God, all went very smoothly. Here are a few pics of Betsy and her new horse!