Monday, December 10, 2007

My Hoof Dilemma

So, one of my biggest worries has been the condition of my little filly's hooves. I doubt they have ever been trimmed, or if they have, it was probably only once. They were getting so long that it looked as though they were beginning to curl forward. However, I had to first gain her trust, and get her to allow me to approach her; then, get her used to me touching her; then, get her used to me picking up her feet; and ONLY THEN could I start trimming them! Well, I was able to clean her hooves with a pick last Friday and Saturday, so Sunday afternoon I borrowed Betsy's rasp and tried filing the hooves down. Wishes did really well, and we just did a little at a time so she wouldn't get too tired. I got all four hooves filed down about 1/4 inch (at least), and I felt very relieved. I'll be sure to file a little bit each time that I go out, until they are all the right length. She's such an angel and really wants to be good. She's still a little nervous, but both yesterday and today she walked up to me as soon as she saw me, so I know she likes me and trusts me. I'm so proud of her!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Doesn't sound like much of a dilemma--it sounds like your making good progress! Check out, I love their explanation on how to find proper heel height. You can't go by the coronary band, as previously thought.