Saturday, January 10, 2009

Working With Wishes

Although I have been neglecting my training duties with Wishes, she seems perfectly happy to have me sit on her back. I've been working with her more this past week, and I received some much needed help from my sister, Betsy. Today, I spent quite a bit of time just leaning my body over her and swinging my legs up and over, and then down the back of her. After awhile I finally just slid up on her back, and she didn't seem to mind too much. Although she is still far too young to start riding, I want to be very used to these exercises by the time she is old enough to ride.

Colbert gave me quite a scare this week, as his developed a temperature of 103.6 and had major swelling in all four legs. We gave him doses of Bramamine and Bute to ease the pain, and help the swelling, but I'm still concerned that the cause of the flare up has not been addressed. He's doing better, but I don't think he's 100% yet. I'll be keeping a close eye on him for awhile.

I've added a cute pic of Rachel - my usual Saturday companion. The drive to and from Shiloh is much more enjoyable when I have my sweet girl keeping me company and making me laugh.


Katherine said...

Glad to hear Colbert is doing better. You need to use, at least, a good pad that will distribute your weight on either side of Wishes' spine, otherwise she will learn to take measures to defend herself against the pressure--high head, hollow back, going crooked, etc. And "hi Rach!"

Jenny K. said...

Yeah, I was just messing around a bit, but I don't intend to sit on her like that all the time. I just wanted a couple of pictures of me doing it. I'm going to start putting the bareback pad on her, and working her with that on her back, so she gets used to the feeling of having something stapped to her. Also, did I tell you I put a bridle on her the other day? She accepted it like she was totally used to having a bit in her mouth. I took it off after a few minutes, but she was fine with it. She's going to be a great horse, and I look so forward to the years that she and I will spend together. I love her sooooo much! She's a peach!

Katherine said...

Cool! Yes, they're usually good about holding the bit unless it has clanged their teeth...or unless the rider is hanging on the reins. You can try the 'giving to pressure' exercises to get her used to rein contact, too. She's really growing up!

the 4 D's said...
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Anonymous said...

Great photos!

Rach-H. said...

BY THE BEARD OF ZEUS PLEASE TAKE THAT DISGUSTING PHOTO OF ME OFF!-But what I really wanted to tell you before I was blinded was that you look so cute sittin on Wishes with your PINK shirt on. My mama's cool :)