Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pooooor Little Weeeshes!

I went out early today to try my new saddle on Colbert, only to find my poor little Wishes had a nasty puncture wound on her right, front leg. Her leg was swollen to almost 3 times its normal size, and she could barely limp around. Once Sabine got out to the ranch, she helped me clean it up and sterilize it. Then, Jill and Sally arrived and gave her a dose of anitbiotics. She'll be on anitbiotics for the next 3 days. After giving her the medication and some "bute" to ease the pain, she was walking around much easier, and even attempted to trot (she spooks easily around the Mesquite trees).
On a lighter note: I LOVE MY NEW SADDLE!!!!! I will have to borrow Rachel's camera and take some pics tomorrow (hopefully). Colbert seemed to like it too, as he was much more calm out on the trail. He may just be getting used to trail riding, though. The saddle was so comfortable for me that I had no fatigue in my knees or seat upon my return after an hour-long ride. Yeah!!!!!

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