Sunday, July 20, 2008 - I wasn't going to go out to Shiloh today, but since I love storms and I love horses, I couldn't resist! Wishes and Colbert both slipped in the muddy turnout, but I only caught Wishes on tape. Gus and Borrego joined the fun later, and Eric and I both took turns walking Colbert around under saddle (he's still a little sore, so we're taking it easy). Uploading these videos is taking too long, so check out my YouTube account - I'll try to save them there. Just type in "Mrskanej" in the search, and you should get all my videos.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Pics by Eric - July 12, 2008

Here are some nice shots that Eric took on Saturday. They are: me taking a riding lesson on Calypso; another shot of the riding lesson with Sabine looking at the sky (it was stormy). And Gus and Rookie learning how to get into a trailer, using some Parelli-type exercise equipment. Thank again, Eric!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A tough day today. Colbert is limping worse than ever over the rocks now. A closer look at his front, left hoof reveals that he has very little calloused sole in the front of the hoof. His collateral grooves are at least and inch deep in the back, and nearly non-existent at the frog apex. After reviewing Pete Ramey's DVDs, I realize it's best to try to encourage front growth before I even THINK about lowering the heels. Fortunately, Katherine was there today to lend assistance. Not only is she more knowledgeable and experienced, but she has the cool tools for the job! She helped me put a nice mustang roll on the hooves, but what both horses really need is movement, which they are not getting in a stall. I wanted to put them in a pasture today, but Jill and Sally are out of town, so it will have to wait until next weekend. Also, I didn't have the camera today (because it belongs to Rachel and she's on a cruise with her future in-laws). Sooooo, I spent 3 hours working on hooves. No training today. I did have another lesson on Calypso. Sabine says I'm improving, but I can't tell. I still think my balance stinks! I feel bummed out today. I just want my horses to be happy and sound. :-(
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Hoof Check

Today Rachel, Grace and I went out for a short visit (too hot outside) to Shiloh, so I could check on Wishes' and Colbert's hooves. I took photographs of Colbert's hooves, so I can keep a record of his progress. His hooves were horrible when he first got to Shiloh, and I am amazed at how good they look after just one trim. There is plenty of room for improvement, of course, but he really looks so much better. His left front hoof is the one that has the most trouble. It smells funky when I clean it out, and there is a large, white, chalky patch, as you can see from the photo. I took the photo after soaking his foot in a vinegar/water solution for about 5 minutes and scrubbing out all the dirt and funk. Later I gave Wishes her first real soapy bath, and she seemed to enjoy it. She actually likes to play with water now, and will drink from the squirting hose. I'm sure she appreciates how good the cool water feels in this miserable heat.
One thing that I've already noticed about Colbert: when he first came to Shiloh, before I actually adopted him, I would go into his stall to visit him. I would halter him and take him out and groom him. At first, when I would go into his stall, he'd leave his food and walk away from me to the farthest area away from me in the stall. He'd try a couple of evasive manuevers to keep me from putting his halter on, but he wouldn't put up too much of a fuss. He always acted disinterested, like he just wanted to be left alone. He wasn't mean in any way, just reluctant. Sunday I noticed that instead of walking away when I approached with the halter, he left his food and walked to me. He was eager to come out and play. After being groomed and played with for a bit, I put him away, but he did not return to his food. He tried to follow me back out. He stood by the pipes and watched me, with his ears pricked forward. Today it was the same thing. He wanted to come out and play. He is enjoying the attention, and is very willing. Already such a change in just a few days!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Eric and Colbert - July 6, 2008

Eric was good enough to help me out with Colbert today. Colbert seemed especially tender-footed after his recent hoof trim (his hooves were in terrible shape before the trim), so I suspected he might have an abscess. He seemed comfortable at a walk, but had a definite limp in his right front leg at a trot. Eric walked him around in the pen while I watched and took these wonderful pictures. We will hold off doing anymore riding until the abscess is healed. Eric and Colbert make a handsome team, don't they? Hey, get of my horse!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Colbert Nation

I have adopted a new horse and given him the name Colbert, after my favorite comedic actor of all time - Steven Colbert. He is a gorgeous 12 year old quarter horse gelding who was just saved from the Fallon Feedlot (for slaughter-bound horses) by Shiloh Horse Rescue. Jill Curtis told me that she believed he had been a ranch/work horse who spent many hours a day just working, with little affection or care. Some cattle ranch horses are rarely thought of as little more than a piece of machinery, are worked long hours, and then cast off when they are no longer useful or needed. Although Colbert is very well broke, he seems somewhat confused by all the affection and pampering he is getting right now. Rachel and I have both ridden him briefly, but I will be doing quite a bit of ground work with him over the next couple of months so that he'll gain some respect, and learn to ENJOY the work, instead of resent it. He is already showing a lot of trust and interest in us, and he loved getting a bath. We really pampered him!
Wishes got her hooves trimmed for the second time ever today. Last time she had to be sedated in order to stand still. Osvaldo is a wonderful and patient farrier, and I will most likely use him in the future, unless we can get a "natural hoof care provider" to come out to the Shiloh. I hope to be able to do the trimming myself someday, but it's much harder than it looks, and will take a lot of training and practice. Today's pics include Rachel on Colbert. Me working with Colbert in the turn-out. A cute pic of our buddy, Eric, with Rachel. And some shots of Osvaldo trimming Wishes' hooves.
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