Today Rachel, Grace and I went out for a short visit (too hot outside) to Shiloh, so I could check on Wishes' and Colbert's hooves. I took photographs of Colbert's hooves, so I can keep a record of his progress. His hooves were horrible when he first got to Shiloh, and I am amazed at how good they look after just one trim. There is plenty of room for improvement, of course, but he really looks so much better. His left front hoof is the one that has the most trouble. It smells funky when I clean it out, and there is a large, white, chalky patch, as you can see from the photo. I took the photo after soaking his foot in a vinegar/water solution for about 5 minutes and scrubbing out all the dirt and funk. Later I gave Wishes her first real soapy bath, and she seemed to enjoy it. She actually likes to play with water now, and will drink from the squirting hose. I'm sure she appreciates how good the cool water feels in this miserable heat.
One thing that I've already noticed about Colbert: when he first came to Shiloh, before I actually adopted him, I would go into his stall to visit him. I would halter him and take him out and groom him. At first, when I would go into his stall, he'd leave his food and walk away from me to the farthest area away from me in the stall. He'd try a couple of evasive manuevers to keep me from putting his halter on, but he wouldn't put up too much of a fuss. He always acted disinterested, like he just wanted to be left alone. He wasn't mean in any way, just reluctant. Sunday I noticed that instead of walking away when I approached with the halter, he left his food and walked to me. He was eager to come out and play. After being groomed and played with for a bit, I put him away, but he did not return to his food. He tried to follow me back out. He stood by the pipes and watched me, with his ears pricked forward. Today it was the same thing. He wanted to come out and play. He is enjoying the attention, and is very willing. Already such a change in just a few days!
Glad to hear he is coming around so quickly. :)
Me too. He's going to be a really cool horse.
Good treatment will make 'em trust you more and more...isn't fun to experience the changes?
Try to get a better side view of each hoof, as well as a good sole view--you'll be amazed at before and after pics in just a few months if he is trimmed regularly. They actually look pretty good, but I have a feeling he got some live sole taken off if he's tender. The thrush-like smell will remain, especially if he's in a stall standing in pee and poo. Pete Ramey suggested on those tapes the triple antibiotic and athlete's foot cream combined together and applied with a syringe. I use this on Ace and it has helped...
Did you see any other signs of abcess? He definitely needs a mustang roll, too! Hope this helps...
Yeah, I got really good side views of the other hooves. This was the only one where the angle of the camera was off, and I didn't notice until I got home and could see it on the computer. Do you know how to do a mustang roll? Maybe you could show me the proper technique. Also, I want to move them out to pasture. I'm going to talk to Jill about it this weekend. I never wanted Wishes and Gem out in the border area, but she wanted the pen they were in for other horses, and Gem was difficult to catch. I'd have no trouble catching Wishes and Colbert in a big pasture.
I really love the pic of Grace. :)
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