Eric was good enough to help me out with Colbert today. Colbert seemed especially tender-footed after his recent hoof trim (his hooves were in terrible shape before the trim), so I suspected he might have an abscess. He seemed comfortable at a walk, but had a definite limp in his right front leg at a trot. Eric walked him around in the pen while I watched and took these wonderful pictures. We will hold off doing anymore riding until the abscess is healed. Eric and Colbert make a handsome team, don't they? Hey, get of my horse!
Remember that the internal structures are like the quick of a dog's nail, they 'drop' if the hoof is long. Trimming should be little, but often! Congrats on your new boy...was Gen returned to Shiloh?
Yes, Gem was returned to Shiloh. I have to say that I was proud of the fact that I eventually got a halter on her and lead her across the ranch. Once she was haltered, she calmed down so much. This was the first time ever that I was able to "catch" her, and the first time ever that I lead her.
Who is that sexy cowboy?! :)
I think it's Michael Stipe from the Man on the Moon video!
HAHA! Michael Stipe! Thats a full head of hair you are lookin' at!
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