Monday, July 21, 2008

Stormy Summer Day

Sunday, July 20, 2008 - I wasn't going to go out to Shiloh today, but since I love storms and I love horses, I couldn't resist! Wishes and Colbert both slipped in the muddy turnout, but I only caught Wishes on tape. Gus and Borrego joined the fun later, and Eric and I both took turns walking Colbert around under saddle (he's still a little sore, so we're taking it easy). Uploading these videos is taking too long, so check out my YouTube account - I'll try to save them there. Just type in "Mrskanej" in the search, and you should get all my videos.


Anonymous said...

WHOA!! That was quite the wipe out!Oh Wishes....

"Poor little Wishes....." hahaha

Jenny K. said...

Yeah, "Poooooor Little Weeshes!" Ha ha ha. That was so funny. We are so goofy. :0