Monday, July 7, 2008

Eric and Colbert - July 6, 2008

Eric was good enough to help me out with Colbert today. Colbert seemed especially tender-footed after his recent hoof trim (his hooves were in terrible shape before the trim), so I suspected he might have an abscess. He seemed comfortable at a walk, but had a definite limp in his right front leg at a trot. Eric walked him around in the pen while I watched and took these wonderful pictures. We will hold off doing anymore riding until the abscess is healed. Eric and Colbert make a handsome team, don't they? Hey, get of my horse!


Katherine said...

Remember that the internal structures are like the quick of a dog's nail, they 'drop' if the hoof is long. Trimming should be little, but often! Congrats on your new boy...was Gen returned to Shiloh?

Katherine said...


Jenny K. said...

Yes, Gem was returned to Shiloh. I have to say that I was proud of the fact that I eventually got a halter on her and lead her across the ranch. Once she was haltered, she calmed down so much. This was the first time ever that I was able to "catch" her, and the first time ever that I lead her.

Anonymous said...

Who is that sexy cowboy?! :)

Katherine said...

I think it's Michael Stipe from the Man on the Moon video!

Anonymous said...

HAHA! Michael Stipe! Thats a full head of hair you are lookin' at!