Thursday, November 15, 2007

Adoption Pending

It's been 26 years since I owned my last horse. Finally, at age 42, my wish to become a horse owner has come to fruition. On November 10, 2007, I began the procedure to adopt a 6 month old filly from the Shiloh Horse Rescue in Sandy Valley, Nevada. Appropriately, the little filly was already named "Wishes"! I think I'll keep it.


Jenny K. said...

Hooraayyy! I love Wishes and her mama!

Jenny K. said...

By the way, it was Rachel, not Jenny K. who left the last comment

Unknown said...

Yay for Jenny! You are going to make a terrific mama! I just wish I could be there to watch it all materialize. Congratulations Rosebud!

Lori said...

Glad you started a blog about this. I look forward to reading about your horsey adventures.

Katherine said...

I was wondering what was going on at Shiloh!